Want to fix up Keurig Coffee Maker ? I’m going to show you How To Fix Your Clogged Keurig Coffee Maker. I figured we would share this helpful articles for all you coffee lovers out there, So i read the owner’s manual and it said to run vinegar through the machine, i did all of that and it didn’t work, i’m going to show you how to fix the machine right now, the problem is when this happens up underneath, where the needle is that pokes into the top of the k-cup, we never remove the water reservoir, we’re gonna place it over here in a safe spot and we’re going to open this up, we just removed to this, just to clean it out a little bit, but that is not a big deal content back in, what’s the problem with it, the water what’s going on ? here is the water will not come out, nothing will come out.
So you have to get in here and it’s a little pin right here and there’s a rubber gasket around the pin, so you just want to remove that exhibit a rubber gasket, then we have prepared a pin for this job, it’s a safety clip (paper clip / clip works) works well gonna stretch it out and basically, get it in here, there’s a little hole in this pin and this actually just goes right in here, and it gets clogged.

So you got to clean it and that cleaned it up, and there’s another hole on the other side really getting in there now, all right try to straighten this pin, see if I can get it deeper, okay now we hit this spot, all right that should do it and a little safety tip folks, you want to make sure you unplug your Keurig Coffee Maker before doing anything like this, you know self-explanatory to some but you know, so that should do it, you can plug it back in and they’ll be drinking a nice hot fresh brewed coffee in no time all right. So that’s How To Fix Your Clogged Keurig Coffee Maker if water will not come out.